Are you experiencing a major life transition?

  • Can you relate?

    ~ Dealing with loss of loved ones and resulting grief

    ~ Navigating ending relationships and their emotional toll

    ~ Experiencing the uncertainty of career changes / starting a new business

    ~ Challenges along the parenting journey (fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, family life)

    ~ Managing the stress of unexpected health issues or chronic disease

    ~Moving locations or wanting to but unsure of how to make it happen

    ~ Leaving behind an old version of yourself to embody the new

  • Are you feeling?

    ~ Overwhelmed by anxiety, stress, and uncertainty

    ~ Struggling to prioritize and balance self-care while taking care of all your responsibilities

    ~ Worried by the current state of society, climate and larger systems that seem beyond your control

    ~ Frustrated by the constant need to adapt to unforeseen circumstances

    ~ Disconnected from your sense of purpose and direction

    ~ Longing for clarity in times of the unknown

    ~Feeling trapped by the weight of past traumas and unresolved issues

    ~Experiencing financial pressures in an increasingly uncertain economy

  • What if you knew?

    ~ You are not alone in this journey and are supported every step of the way

    ~ Your feelings are valid and shared by many

    ~ The turbulence of this particular time is stirring both personal and collective upheaval as a catalyst for deep transformation

    ~ There is a pathway to not just survive, but thrive, amidst all these challenges

    ~ You can be a part of a supportive community who is there to listen, guide and help one another

    ~ You can learn how to navigate these major transitions with grace and resilience

What if you could experience?

join us today and uncover these benefits..

  • Joyful Living

    Live fully present in the moment, without dwelling on the past or being preoccupied with the future. Experience life as it unfolds, appreciating each moment and finding joy and meaning in the simple things.

  • Alignment

    Embrace your unique qualities, talents, and passions. Live in congruence with your values and inner truth, rather than conforming to external expectations or societal norms.

  • Authentic Relationships

    Cultivate connections with people who resonate with your energy and values, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

  • Resonance + Ease

    You are drawn to people, places and experiences that nourish your being and align with your values and purpose. Things seem to unfold naturally, and you encounter fewer obstacles. You prioritize being over doing and take rest when needed.

  • Inner Peace

    This doesn't mean that life is free of challenges, but rather that you have a deep sense of inner stability and trust in yourself and the journey of life. You have the tools necessary for your own regulation and resourcing so that you can live from a place of groundedness and equanimity.

  • Harmonized Heart / Mind
    (Right / Left Brain)

    Balance creative intuition with logical analysis, tapping into higher wisdom and heart-centered approaches, promoting connection and compassion. Experience time as cyclical and expansive over linear and limited.

  • Fulfillment

    Engage in professional and personal activities that bring a sense of meaning and value, while following your unique calling and contributing to the collective in a way that aligns with your true gifts and talents.

  • Greater Resilience

    Become better equipped to handle challenges, setbacks, and changes while maintaining a faster recovery time to equilibrium and nervous system regulation. Learn to thrive and grow as a result of life's challenges maintaining overall well-being and effectively coping with the ups and downs of life.

  • Expanded Consciousness

    Embrace personal and spiritual growth and a broader perspective on reality, leading to a heightened awareness of self and surroundings. Embody and live as an extension of your internal guidance system.

Program Overview:

The Inner Travel Guide for life's transitions, is a 9 week live and on demand program combining an interactive online course, transformative coaching / guidance and a supportive private community of like-minded inner travelers.

Join us from October 11th to December 11th

Want more information on the specifics of what we'll be covering? Scroll down to the bottom for a detailed breakdown of the weekly program curriculum and content.

    2 LIVE (opening + closing) 7 ON DEMAND
    *Live Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Course Library

    2 Live Workshops, 1 Live Healing Ceremony and 1 Live Q+A call
    *All Live Sessions except Healing Ceremony will be recorded and uploaded to Course Library

    Downloadable Audio + PDF Files

    Downloadable PDF includes: planner, worksheets, checklists, infographics, personal Postcard assessments and more!

    Receive immediate access after signing up and before the program begins to get early access to our private, online community. You'll find recommended meditations, weekly prompts, guided discussions and small group breakouts to connect, share, encourage and support one another.

    Scroll down to see!

Meet Your Guide:

Hi, I'm Kali – founder of project full, meditation and mindful living enthusiast, entrepreneur, architect, wife, and mom to 2 year old twin boys. Behind the scenes, I've personally harnessed life's challenges as a springboard for my own profound transformation.

Like many of you, in the past few years, I too have found myself in the midst of many major life transitions. I am learning to live with the grief of losing loved ones, including my dad, activly healing past childhood events and more recent significant birth trauma, navigating the uncertainty of shifts in my business / career, juggling the daily demands of being a mom to energetic twin boys—all while finding precious moments for my own inner well-being and evolution.

Above all, I want you to know: I see you, I feel you—I am YOU and there is a pathway through these challenges to the other side. One filled with grace, acceptance, self compassion, trust, ease, joy, and fulfillment. If you're ready for it, this is your invitation to join me on a deeply transformative trip within.

This program is a culmination of my own journey thus far, certainly a work in progress but— carefully crafted with deep understandings, embodied experiences and inner wisdom gathered from the many paths traveled, challenges faced and tools used to overcome them.

My hope is to guide you back to yourself so you can cultivate your own inner resilience and continue to have these resources and practices to come back to again and again, for the only constant in life is change.

Now is the time to transform where you are into where you want to be!

- Kali Ren Gordon

join me on a transformational journey today

Pricing Options

Take advantage of our best offer!

Save 50% by enrolling today with a one time investment. There are limited spots available at this very special pricing.

Take advantage of a monthly payment plan

Save 42% by enrolling today with an easy investment of $129. You'll automatically be billed monthly for the remaining 3 months.

There are limited spots available at this very special pricing.

Upgrade to include 1:1 support

This upgraded package includes a one time program payment of $449 (50% off) plus a pre-paid, discounted, 60 min 1-1 zoom session with Kali for additional support. (priced at $149 - regularly $200).
- This session will be scheduled when it works best for you during week 7 or 8.

When you enroll today, you'll also receive these incredible bonuses!

  • project full special inner traveler's product discount and giveaways

    Additional 40% OFF ( up to 70% savings! ) + special product giveaways

    Additional 40% off our already discounted product line including our very few remaining meditation cushion sets! You'll also have access to special product giveaways throughout the program. A discount code will be provided after sign up and in your welcome email so you can be all ready for our opening session!

  • Recommended Resource List for: meditations, podcasts, books and thought leaders

    Access to our free Insight Timer Inner Travel Meditations + Inspiring Podcasts Downloadable PDF format with links

    The Insight Timer Recommended Meditations and Inspiring Podcasts will be accessible as soon as you sign up and a link will be available in our private community.

    The Recommended Books + Thought Leaders list will be made available at the end of the program for further reading and exploration.

  • Friends of project full Database: recommended teachers, practitioners, guides etc.

    Downloadable PDF with links + email Introductions

    If you'd like to deep dive into any specific area that comes up during the program, we will recommend a vetted list of practitioners, counselors, teachers and guides who offer a variety of sessions and formats. Including, breathwork, intuitive counseling, sound healing, holistic reproduction, womb healing, holistic nutrition and more. This information will be provided at the end of our program.

Inner Travel Itinerary

9-Week Program Curriculum

Oct 11th - December 11th

The program content will be released weekly every Sunday.
Specific dates and times for the live sessions, workshop, healing ceremony and Q+A will be decided by polling all members.

Week 1 | Departure

Preparing for Our Inner Journey

Join us live for an introductory lesson and interactive workshop to prepare for our transformative journey ahead. We will cover the massive transition believed to be underway for all of humanity and how this is affecting us all individually. Why significant life transitions and changes are upon us now and how they are catalysts for deep transformation, growth and evolution. And why now is the time to release our old ways of Left Brain living and allow for new paradigms of Right Brain living.

    *Specific time will be announced once enrollment closes.This live session will be recorded and added to our on demand course library

  • Learn how to use your downloadable Inner Travel Guide and complete your first Postcard: Right or Left Dominance

  • Downloadable Inner Trip Planner to create your own personalized time and space schedule for your journey

  • We'll take a tour of our private community, The Inner Traveler's Circle and get tips on how to receive (and give) the most from this group of fellow, like minded travelers

Week 2 | Our Compass

The Cycle of Creation

Uncover the powerful cyclical organizing principals that are at play in nature, our lives, all creations, projects and forms materialized. Learn about the three phases (Be, Do, Have) of the Cycle of Creation, where endings and new beginnings occur and what the most powerful and potent but often overlooked phase is. You'll understand how when in the flow, we can use this cycle as a pathway for navigating our own transitions and mine them to transform our lives for the better.


  • Guided Meditation / Meditative Practice

  • Downloadable Cycle of Creation Diagram from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Reflection prompt and guided discussion in The Inner Traveler's Circle

Week 3 | Leaving Our Baggage Behind

The Cycle of Resistance, Anxiety and Fear

We now understand when The Cycle of Creation is in Flow. But what happens when it's not. We'll identify what significant life changes and transitions are at play in our lives and where we are getting stalled out or stuck along the path. This will give us clarity around why we are feeling resistance, anxiety and fear. We'll learn that when we stay stuck on this loop we keep getting the same less than desirable results and it leads us to be in a continuous cycle of of feeling stressed and overwhelmed.


    Part group coaching and part workshop, we'll work on identifying the significant transitions at play in our lives and uncover at what point(s) in The Creation Cycle we are getting stalled out and tripped up
    *This live session will be recorded and added to our on demand course library

  • Downloadable Cycle of Resistance, Anxiety and Fear Diagram from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Download and Complete second Postcard: Where are you at? Identifying Transitions + Stalls in the Cycle from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Small circle breakouts in The Inner Traveler's Circle to hold space for more intimate discussions and peer to peer support

Week 4 | Soulful Sojourn

Entering Liminal Space

What is this transitional phase where the old Is left behind and the new has not fully emerged? Discover why this fertile void births profound personal and spiritual transformation. Embrace this journey through deep reflection, inner work, and mindful presence for growth, healing, and self-discovery. Navigating this liminal space demands courage, self-compassion, and vulnerability. We'll guide and support you through common challenges that arise during this transformative pause.


  • Guided Meditation / Meditative Practice

  • Downloadable Liminal Space Checklist from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Reflection prompt and guided discussion in The Inner Traveler's Circle

Week 5 | Turbulence

Illuminating and Clearing Old Blocks, Fears and Patterns

It's here that we’ll delve deep into the profound inner work of self-discovery and growth that is available to us in the liminal space. Being in this state will likely surface areas where we feel trapped, fearful, or hindered. Through a life timeline exercise, we'll illuminate aspects of our subconscious and energy body from past events and experiences that may remain as hidden blocks or deep rooted fears. Once we “bring to light” the baggage we’ve been carrying around we can then start to feel it fully and unpack it. We’ll work through tools and practices to begin the process of feeling, neutralizing and healing.


  • Download and complete third Postcard : Life Timeline from your Inner Travel Guide


    We'll pair up and you'll be guided through a deep healing exercise to release the stagnant energy around a past event, memory or story and begin to alchemize and heal
    *Due to the sensitive nature, this online group ceremony WILL NOT be recorded

  • Downloadable Flowers + Stones Ceremony Guide from your Inner Travel Guide

  • We'll break into smaller circles in The Inner Traveler's Circle to hold space for more intimate discussions and peer to peer support

Week 6 | Transformational Pause

Meditation as a Tool for Present Moment, Mindful Living

Whether a seasoned meditator or a beginner, we'll discover the innate power of meditation to aid us in centering ourselves, reducing stress, connecting with our wise inner knowing and ultimately providing us with the clarity and resilience needed to move through our challenges. We'll bust common meditation myths - a seated practice is the only form of meditation and the goal is to empty your mind. Instead, we'll uncover the most aligned practices for you (seated, guided, nature, movement, writing, music, etc) and work to create a routine. Benefits will include being in the present moment, accessing your intuitive guidance and ultimately living mindfully daily.


  • Guided Meditation / Meditative Practice

  • Downloadable Recommended Meditations List from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Reflection prompt and guided discussion in The Inner Traveler's Circle

    *This live session will be recorded and added to our on demand course library

Week 7 | A New Path of Co-Creation

From Inner Alignment to Inspired Action

Moving along the Cycle of Creation once we have cleared old patterns and embraced present moment, mindful living and being, we arrive at a sense of inner alignment. It is here that our intuition will provide the clarity and ideas will crystalize for our new path forward. We will leave the liminal space and arrive at "inspired action" or "guided co-creation." This "doing" is driven by a right brained, deep inner knowing or sense of inspiration rather than solely based on left brained, logical reasoning or external factors. We'll use this phase to create a new spherical vision for ourselves and create guided, co-created steps to take for our path forward.


  • Download and complete fourth Postcard: New Spherical Visioning

  • Reflection prompt and guided discussion in The Inner Traveler's Circle

  • Optional 1 : 1 session with Kali
    * See payment option to upgrade the base price of program to include a discounted rate for a single, 60 min - 1:1 zoom session if you anticipate wanting more direct support.

Week 8 | Arriving

Living in Alignment, Ease and Fulfillment

This week we will begin to understand and experience how our transformative inner journey has shaped our outer lives and reality. We will have gone through the states of being and doing to arrive at living our lives in a new way with a new sense of self. We'll commit to our inner care and connection practices fully understanding the key to transcend and thrive begins with our inner world and maintaining our connection to that which is immovable and unshakable. We'll experience harmonizing our right and left brain resulting in living in the greater flow of life.


  • Guided Meditation / Meditative Practice

  • Downloadable Daily Inner Care + Connection Planner from your Inner Travel Guide

  • Reflection prompt and guided discussion in The Inner Traveler's Circle

  • Optional 1:1 session with Kali
    * See payment option to upgrade the base price of program to include a discounted rate for a single, 60 min - 1:1 zoom session if you anticipate wanting more direct support.

Week 9 | Returning Home

Gratitude and Integration - Coming Full Circle

Join us for a live closing session, bringing it all together, we will reflect, integrate and practice gratitude for our journey together. We understand the cycles at play in our lives, embody a new way of being and living mindfully and are aware of the cycle of external change and inner transition. These events, whether by choice or by chance, are certain in all our lives, so when they come knocking again we'll have a process, a guide and the tools and resources at the ready to transcend, transform and thrive!

    *This live session will be recorded and added to our on demand course library

  • Download and Complete final Postcard: Full Circle Assessment

  • Staying connected to your fellow travelers in The Inner Traveler's Circle

Pricing options

Enroll today as we are offering limited early bird pricing at 50% off! Select one of the three options available that best works for you!

*The upgraded package includes a one time program payment of $449 (50% off) plus a pre paid, discounted 60 min 1-1 zoom session with Kali for additional support, priced at $149 (regular $200). - This session will be scheduled when it works best for you during weeks 7 & 8.

Questions not answered below?

please reach out to [email protected]


  • Are we actually traveling anywhere?

    No. You can join us right from where you are! This is an inner journey of transformation. In the future we hope to offer aligned destination based programs pairing outer and inner journeys.

  • What dates and times are the Live Sessions, and what if I can't make them?

    We will be releasing the time for the initial Kick off Live session on Wednesday October 11th 4 days prior. All other live dates and times will be posted in our private community and in our course platform one week prior to our sessions. Depending on the numbers of attendees - we will poll everyone to see what dates and times generally work best for your schedule.

    Not to worry if you can't make the live sessions ( although we'll miss you!) all sessions will be recorded and uploaded to our program library for on demand viewing with the exception of our Healing Ceremony.

  • What is the expected time commitment for this program?

    As with any type of inner transformational work - you'll get out of it what you can put into it. That said I would expect to spend 2-3 hours per week between the lessons, completing the Postcard exercises, Live workshops, Q+A and Healing Ceremony.

    We'll talk about and have you schedule in the Inner Trip Planner along with the course material and Inner Travel Guide exercises, your own dedicated inner practice time ( hopefully at least 5mins / day) to help embody and integrate this work which could include: meditation, mindfulness, movement, reading, journaling, spending time in nature, being present with kids, cooking etc.

  • How long will I have access to all the material?

    You will have 6 months access to the course platform and private community and all the video, audio, pdf files and resources will be downloadable for your own lifetime use.

  • How does the Inner Travelers Circle - private community work?

    This will be a private area for all of those who are enrolled in the course. You will gain early access to this community as soon as you sign up! You'll find other members joining in the lead up to the program start. It will be an online gathering place for connection, sharing, support and guidance, you will also find all the live session times and dates as well as the Recommended Resources including guided meditations and exercises, podcasts, books etc. You are free to participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. The hope is we can learn from one another and share our challenges, insights and wins! Kali will be actively connecting and providing prompts for discussion and integration.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program you can email [email protected] with the subject refund and we'll be happy to provide a full refund within 2 weeks of the initial start date.